If you use this online financial service, this application is fantastic. It's completely intuitive and lets you check all your finances that are linked up to Mint in a matter of seconds.

If you go to the movies, it's a must. It searches for theaters close to where you are and displays the critical review rating beside the show times. Complete with links to imdb.com and YouTube trailers, this has made making last-minute movie trips a breeze.

Another app that requires the use of a website, rememberthemilk.com is my favorite for organizing "To Do" lists. I think the app requires that you are a premium user of their services (maybe $20-25 a year?) but if you want a single list of things that need to be done, Remember the Milk is hard to beat. And it integrates with Gmail through a Firefox Add-on (called Remember the Milk for Gmail).
Other Favorites
For live sports updates in almost any category, Sportacular has an interface that makes it easy to check scores, stats, and schedules. Satisfy your sports cravings with a quick glance if you're stuck in a business meeting during your team's bowl game.
I'm learning to be a better user of Twitter, but so far, Twinkle is far and away the interface that I prefer.
Internet radio could not be sexier. If you don't know Pandora, visit pandora.com.
SnapTell Explorer
Snap a picture of the cover of a CD, movie, or book and instantly compare prices with a broad database.
Others worth checking out:
Woot On!
Google Earth
eBay Mobile
Also the Joost app sucks right now, but it might be a really great mobile media platform once they fix it.
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